Sarah Guerra
Head of Culture, Diversity and Inclusion, Bank of England
Sarah has a career spanning over 25 years across the public and third sectors with a range of compliance, public policy and organisational effectiveness experience having worked within HMRC, Ministry of Defence, Trade Unions, Higher Education and now the Financial Sector. Sarah is a thought leader of business change and transformation through the lens of diversity, equity and inclusion. She is noted as a brave and effective innovator with a notable track record of building high performing diverse teams and creating a step change in a range of organisations.
Sarah was a founding member of a groundbreaking HMRC Black Asian Minority Ethnic Women’s Network and has previously sat on the TUC Race relations committee. As a CIPD fellow she holds a wide range of professional qualifications including being an accredited coach, project manager, tax inspector, counsellor, mental health first aider and a Cultural Intelligence and Belbin Accredited Facilitator. Sarah has acted in an advisory capacity to a range of organisations including Advance HE, Wellcome Trust Visible Skin’ exhibition, Medical Research Council Doctoral Training Partnerships Panel, Research Excellence Framework, Cyber Security Council Formation Project, Civil Service Race Forum, Association of Revenue and Customs and the Guardian Public Leaders Editorial Board. Sarah is a sought-after public speaker and has addressed global audiences worldwide including at NATO. Sarah is also a member the University of Brighton Board of Governors and the Wandle Multi Academy Trust and is the independent chair of the Nuffield Council for Bioethics. She is also a lifelong, black, queer, currently menopausal mother of 4 daughters in a blended family.
Sarah Guerra